Friday, October 29, 2010

Squirrel Porn

One night Mary and I were coming home from the casino and she saw a sign that said "squirrel corn." Well I thought she said squirrel porn so I naturally said wtf is squirrel porn? We got a good laugh out of it and every time we drove past the place that sold squirrel corn we would laugh again. We used to laugh a lot.

Well tonight I drove past that place and I laughed and I had good memories about Mary for the first time in a long time. So that gives me a little bit of hope that someday I can forget about the way she has treated me and get past it all. It's gonna take a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time but maybe someday I'll get there.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Confession.

I have a confession to make.

When I was young I was a Democrat. I voted for Jimmy Carter, I was even a precinct committeeman for a couple years.

I know, I know, please don't hate me. I was young and stupid and under the influence of the Warrens.

But there is good news. I grew up, got smarter and changed into a Republican. I can proudly say I voted for Ronald Regan.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Haunting memory

When I was young I used to drive all over central Indiana fixing copiers. I knew where all the best places were to take a pee and use the payphone. The Ramada Inn at the airport was one of those go-too places.

This is what happened to it.

From the Indy Star today..

I used to spend a lot of time in that lobby and was in it a couple days before. The accident haunted me for years and I still get chills when I drive by the spot where the hotel once stood.

This Star article brought back those memories.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Floors, plumbing and scammers.

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